孟加拉訂定蝦業管理準則孟加拉漁業部(DoF)及孟加拉魚蝦基金會為確保國產蝦之品質及安全,輔導養蝦業符合國際對生態及社會要求的標準,聯手為養蝦業建立一套整合常規、慣例、帛琉行動目標之蝦業管理準則(CoC);預計在取得全球水產聯盟(GAA)認可及漁業暨畜牧部(MoFL)批准後正式實施。矢言嚴格處分違紀者的MoFL,呼籲所有養殖業者遵守CoC。儘管蝦出口於設計裝潢2009-2010年的會計年度打破歷年最低紀錄,2010-2011年的會計年度逆勢成長四成,收益達62,504萬美元。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 13/2011,15 July 2011)The code 吳哥窟of conduct (CoC) for the shrimp industry has been developed in an attempt to ensure quality and safety of thecountry’s shrimp product. The CoC, jointly 資產管理公司prepared by the Department of Fisheries (DoF) and Bangladesh Shrimp andFish Foundation, and endorsed by the Global Aquaculture Alliance (GAA), needs to be 買屋approved by the Ministry ofFisheries and Livestock (MoFL) for implementation. The Code is a set of prescribed rules and practices and the purposeof such 帛琉initiatives is to bring the shrimp farmers under discipline in their farming practices. The CoC will also help thesector to be environmentally and socially 住商房屋compliant with international standards. A MoFL official said, all stakeholders ofthe aquaculture industry would have to strictly comply with the codes and the 結婚government would take strong punitiveactions for any violations. Shrimp exports recorded the worst fall in a decade during the 2009-10 fiscal, but witnessed a40 賣房子percent growth in 2010-11 fiscal with earnings worth US$625.04 million.

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